Monday, June 7, 2010

Interior Decoration

interior decoration pictures

Interior Decoration

Interior decoration has always been an important part of our culture. It's the first impression we make on may people, and it is the best way to gauge someone's true personality. Making sure everything has its place and coordinating colors is no easy task. Some people follow the rules of Feng Shui while others simple follow what is pleasing to the eye. Whatever rules you follow, there are always some staples to live by.

Many people who choose to redecorate their homes do so because they want to have a more pleasing home to live in. They may want to make it seem more like their own and more like a representation of their personality. However, the stress of redecorating can overwhelm them, and make the experience not very enjoyable. They become stressed about what colors to choose, what carpet, couches, cabinets, tables to choose and what goes together where. This is why so many people choose to hire an interior designer. They can help you choose the correct items for your home without overcrowding it. Everything can flow together correctly and pleasantly, while still being functional.

interior decoration pictures

For some projects you only need some advice on a few things and can do the rest yourself. You can do a consultation that usually lasts about two hours, in which the interior designer will assist you in choosing pain colors, lighting, window treatments and furniture as well as accessories. interior decoration picturesThe decorator will gauge your style and what you want, and give you some suggestions on how to achieve what you are looking for. They can help you to organize your thoughts and help you to visualize what you want and organize how you are going to achieve it. They can also give you suggestions of where to find things you need cheaper. Interior decorators can help you out when you feel like you are in over your head with your design and need help finding a direction again. Having a proper direction in where you are going can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

One of the main rules to follow is the make sure everything has a place and everything is in its place. For instance, this bathroom in the picture above has lots of things on the walls such as picture frames and decorations. If when these people got out of the shower, they dropped their towels, the bathroom would look cluttered. When everything is maintained, it doesn't matter if you have the newest accessories or antiques. Your home decoration will still feel put together and organized because everything is in its place.

interior decoration pictures

Most rooms will have a main color, a secondary color, and an accent color. The picture above is a great example of this. The brown on the walls is the main color, and the interior designer has chose to make the couch the same color. The secondary color is the green. This color compliments the brown very well, and they use it in the rug and the window treatments, and it is carried throughout the room with the pants and the green bottles. The third color, which is the accent color, is the orange. This color is not used very much and is meant to only give some variety to the room. There are a few pillows with this color as well as some flowers on the coffee table. The continuation of these colors in the room help to bring it together and make it seem like a planned room. This is the definition of interior decoration.

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